About Cub Scout Pack 620
Pack 620 is a Cub Scout Pack for boys and girls from Kindergarten through 5th grade. Our Pack and Den meetings are generally held at St. Luke’s United Methodist Church in Highlands Ranch, except for our annual camping trip or other outdoor activities.
In Pack 620, Cub Scouts is a family activity. We encourage the family to join their child in the program and help the child along the way. As your child grows in scouting, your role will change with them, from hands-on involvement to guiding and coaching them as they work on adventures and earn badges and other recognition. Siblings are always welcome to participate in our Pack events as well.
Please reach out if you have any questions or would like more information about joining Pack 620.
Cubmaster Steve Dean
Latest Pack News
- Pack 620 Scouts Help Out During the Holidays
- Pack 620 and Pack 114 Honor Veterans at Northridge Elementary with Flag Ceremony
- Pack 620 Attends Haunted Walk in Littleton put on by Troop 444
- Pack 620 Sorts Canned Goods At St. Luke’s Food Drive
- Pack 620 Marches in Highlands Ranch July 4th Parade